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nginx as a Reverse Proxy to Apache Tomcat

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Why a proxy?

Apache’s Tomcat is a complex beast whose primary role is to render JavaServer Pages. While it can be configured to use and serve the modern web it’s often an unnecessarily complex procedure. By using a dedicated reverse-proxy server such as nginx it allows you to separate web applications from the task of web serving.

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Jetty 9.3 HTTP2 dependency issue with Ubuntu 14.04

The other day I was toying around with HTTP2 support and Jetty 9.3 on my Ubuntu Server 14.04 VM install. I had mostly followed the helpful instructions in the Jetty: The Definitive Reference on setting up the application as a web server with support for http, https, deploy modules. But whenever I tried to implement HTTP2 support Jetty would fail with an unhelpful Java error dump. $ java -jar /opt/jetty/start.jar --add-to-startd=http2 org.

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Create self-signed certificates

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This entry will guide through the process of creating a self-signed certificate to use on an Apache Tomcat 7 or 8 HTTPS connector. Self-signed certificates allow secure, encrypted HTTPS connections but are not certified by any trusted certificate authority. So first time client connections will receive all kinds of warnings from their web browser. Because of this they are not recommended for use in production environments but are useful for secure LAN traffic or testing HTTPS configurations.

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Rsync helpers and common usage

rsync is a widely used tool for synchronisation so to keep copies of a file on multiple computers the same. Because of its flexibility it has become the defacto standard on Linux and other similar systems. While newer protocols and tools such as Dropbox and BitTorrent Sync overlap with and improve on some of rsync’s capability. Rsync is still relevant today both for syncing and for other function such as local directory duplication and large file copying.

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